We are fast with Spare Parts!
Technical machines have the nature to fail because one part fails at some time. That is something nobody can avoid.
Important is, to prevent longer breakdowns and income losses, to have the neccessary spare parts very fast on hand.
For that we have precautions. We have always enough spare parts on stock. When ordering spare parts we need the following
information from you:
- complete company address including contact person
- complete delivery address including contact person if different
- complete company address including contact person of your carrier
- exact specification of the part. This specifications you will find in the drawings of the instructions. Please contact us, if you are for any reason not sure. Wrong deliveries are not helpful for both sides.
- the choosen way of tranpsort. Our prices are calculated FCA Novosibirsk. The transport costs are on your account.
- please supply your customer number, if you have one, for transport by courrier services.
- if we shall, on your behalf, organise the transport please notify us. We pay than for the transport expenses and will bill you for that.
We will ship the relevant spare parts immediately when the regulation of our invoice is cleared.